Wayfinding for Rangatahi Entrepreneurs
Kia ora! Kiaorana! Kia rite! Fa’amalosi! Loto-lahi! Bula!
Māori and Pacific peoples have a long history as innovators, traders and navigators. Our 2022 season was awesome. We had 13 schools from all over Te Waipounamu at our WERO wayfinding workshops and then 9 schools join the 8-week online programme. Māori made up 90 per cent of our students in the first year! Our students are all assessed on teamwork, information, and presentation. Students were awarded excellence certificates, special awards for whanaungatanga, creativity and Te Reo initiatives. We also had our winners, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti, fly up to Tamaki Makaurau for a day of waka hourua activities aboard Hine Moana, in collaboration with Te Toki Voyaging Trust.

Work with Wayfinding
Coaches to guide you

8 weeks

For students in
year 9-13
Te Haerenga
The Journey
Let’s get you flexing your entrepreneurial muscles with WERO! Over the course of 8 weeks, we set you up with 5 WERO to start you on your business journey. We've hooked you up with amazing wayfinding coaches to help guide every step of the way. ‘Ikai ha to’a ‘e tu’u tokotaha.
Piki mai, kake mai. Jump on-board to discover the wonders of being a rangatahi entrepreneur. Tap into the legacy of our ancestors and showcase your ideas to the world.
Our 2023 crew of Wayfinding Coaches take rangatahi through WERO that are fun, engaging and creative. So’o le fau i le fau.
Just like navigators in a storm, our coaches can show you how to find opportunity in disaster.
They teach how to test a business idea, who to put on your waka, and the questions you should ask yourself, the market, and your product.
They show you how to be brave and how to look at all the worst things that could happen to your business and how you could make it better.

The Island of Success
You have a sense of how amazing your ancestors were, and that you can follow in their footsteps as a rangatahi entrepreneur. You now have wayfinding tools in your kete to take their knowledge into today’s world.
Registrations for 2023
We are only taking 13 schools from Te Waipounamu into the 2023 programme, so get your school in quick. Register your interest by filling out the form. Mauriora!
E ai ou fesili?
Do you have any questions?
Our WERO crew is here to help, so send us your questions.